Prof J Goodman

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James Goodman has been at UTS since 1996. He began his academic work in the UK and Ireland in the late 1980’s, focusing on changes in nationalism, and the impact of globalisation. His under-grad thesis looked at changes in Basque nationalism, comparing the 1980s with the 1960s; his Masters thesis did the same for Unionism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland, comparing the late Nineteenth Century with the 1960s; his PhD, finished in 1995, looked at changes in Irish nationalism and Unionism with European integration. Since then he has focused on social movements and international politics, with books on ‘Nationalism and global solidarities’, ‘Justice globalism’ and ‘Transformative global studies’. He has been editor of 'Cosmopolitan Civil Societies' journal since 2008, where he has edited several special issues, including on ethnic nationalism and ‘ethnocracy’ in 2016 that carried a lead article from Oren Yiftachel with articles on Sri Lanka, the Baltic states, Israel, Fiji, Afghanistan and Lebanon. For the last 15 years he has focused on the global politics of climate change, with several books - 'Moving mountains', 'Nature's revenge', ‘Climate upsurge’, ‘Beyond the coal rush’, and (upcoming) ‘Decarbonising Electricity’. He has taught global sociology and politics for Communication students at UTS since the late 1990’s, and has supervised more than 20 PhD students.
