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Design & Creative Practice, EIP

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Design and Creative Practice research is committed to research impact and contributing to the common good: through collaboration, innovation, imagination, and the envisaging of other possible truths and other possible futures.

We seek new ways of working together and new forms of collaborative practice; to tell new stories in new ways. We seek to be equally creative and critical, rigorous and curious, ethical and inventive.

Above all we seek to engage with and contribute to the address of complex problems in the world. Design and creative practice researchers have a crucial role to play in engaging with external stakeholders to create impact across a range of arenas from health to sustainability, from digital cultures to material innovation, from resilient cities to workplace productivity.

The research skills and competencies within this Platform can be applied to any sector or organisation, regardless of size or stage of development. We are currently refreshing our impact priority areas - please check back in the coming weeks and months for more detail.

Our Vision

We will apply an inventive, exploratory and rigorous approach to addressing real-world problems through transformative interdisciplinary research within and beyond the Design and Creative practice fields.” 

Professor Naomi Stead
Director, RMIT Design and Creative Practice Platform

Please feel free to contact DCP (EIP) via email