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The purpose of the QWMN is to build the capacity and collaboration in the Queensland water modelling sector, to fill strategic sectoral gaps are strengthen the sector. This desire matches the benefits that a network can provide. These include:

  • providing an opportunity for a breadth of modelling and user stakeholders to participate in events and activities that deepen their collective awareness and understanding of issues and potential pathways for water management and analysis tools/model improvement
  • strengthening the process of collaboration in a learning and sharing setting, that can then continue in joint efforts in specific projects - whether it is a Community of Practice, RDI project showcases or Innovation with Early Career Professionals 
  • involving the entire value chain of participants in the water sector – from model development, through to deployment and utility, onto influencing planning and management practices on ground, as well those assessing subsequent impacts – in the various events and activities in a shared safe learning space.

The team for the engagement aspects of the QWMN is from the International WaterCentre - based at Griffith University.   Currently the team entail Brian McIntosh, Sarah Cochrane and Piet Filet