Rachael, Michelle, Jess & Zara

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Welcome to the Yoga & Sip Fundraiser for the Heart Foundation as part of the 2024 Sunshine Coast Coastrek.

Enjoy one luxurious hour of yoga in the wonderful Indi wellness studio in Yeronga, followed by drinks and nibbles with some of your favourite people. 

This event is raising money for the fabulous #girlswknd team, consisting of Rachael Holloway, Michelle Bell, Jess Lloyd and Zara Kardash. These lovely ladies will walk 50km in July to raise money for the wonderful work of the Heart Foundation.

Yoga and Sip will take place in the gorgeous Indi wellness studio at Yeronga. Your ticket will include: 

- one hour healthy heart yoga led by a professional yoga instructor 

- delicious drinks & healthy nibbles 

- lucky door prizes and raffles 

- mingling with new and old friends

Come as you are and thank you for your generous contribution 🙏🏻