Rachel Baldock (Restorative Rach)'s logo

Rachel Baldock (Restorative Rach)

Rachel Baldock (Restorative Rach)'s logo
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Rachel is a breathwork coach, yoga teacher and ex-nurse, who is dedicated to guiding women to rediscover the magic within themselves through breath, movement and community 

People who have worked with Rach have described feeling:

  • Grounded
  • Lighter
  • Clear
  • Invigorated
  • Full of joy
  • Seen & supported
  • Reconnected to body
  • Trust in self
  • Energised

She loves creating community and a safe space for people to be their most authentic and empowered selves. 

A space where everyone is seen and honoured for exactly where they're at in their journey and she always adds in a bit of fun!

Each event is curated with so much love, dedication and compassion.