Hi, I’m Rachel, a compassionate and intuitive coach specialising in grief and loss recovery. I’m passionate about helping heart-centred creatives connect to and deepen in their life’s purpose, cultivate harmonious living, and ignite creative freedom.
Using a blend of breathwork, mindfulness, and self-care practices, I guide individuals toward greater balance and harmony, empowering them to live authentically and joyfully.
Through my work, I’ll support you in releasing stress, gaining deeper emotional clarity, and unlocking your creative flow and freedom.
I’m committed to creating vibrant, supportive communities where you can form authentic connections, deepen your sense of purpose, and share your unique gifts with the world.
Join me for the Breathe In-Harmony introduction evening and experience the transformative power of breathwork. Together, we’ll create a heart-centered space for healing, growth, and thriving in harmony.