⭐️ Sybille is a dedicated edge-worker and movement lover, passionate about the power of group work. She weaves her skills in Possibility Management & OpenFloor movement together to create transformational medicine. Sybille helps people to grow physically and emotionally within a community.
⭐️ Julia empowers the Feminine, and women to go first by remembering their innate power. She is passionate about conscious anger as a fire resource making space for the other feelings - sadness, fear and joy - to emerge and bring forth women's aliveness. Julia brings a broad variety of skills as a Transformation Coach, Edgecaster, and Creatress.
⭐️ Damiët creates beautiful art - the Earth Woman in the banner is her creation. Her art extends to empowering Women to create their biggest art piece: their lives. Damiët holds space for Creation and Magic.
⭐️ Annika weaves people, food and nature into a wild concoction of Gaian healing balm. She empowers Women to stand in their Creations, walks paths previously unseen and heard of, and expands and heals the culture of Women's Sexuality. She delights in simplicity and is a gatekeeper of the newborn and dying.