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Red Earth Tribe GC

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“The body says what words cannot.” — Martha Graham

Red Earth Tribe is a member of Global Caravan Tribal Belly Dance, an international dance community founded by Paulette Rees-Denis.  We dance together as sisters, as a community, with joy in our hearts and movements. We embrace unity, respect, and the ability to express ourselves through tribal bellydance. A dance cooperative for all women, all sizes, all ages, no dance experience to many years.....   We provide a safe space for women to dance, to have fun, to connect with other women, to be themselves while learning a dance style based on earthy, grounded moves. Many genres of music are used - Middle Eastern, Spanish, funk, folkloric, trance, ritual, modern, hip hop - any music with a beat! Red Earth Tribe's lead dancer, Sue Portors, offers Tribal Grooves classes - a fun energetic movement class based on GC moves and Beginners & Beyond classes - a class that focusses on the technique of GC moves.  Group classes and private tuition available as well as Hen's Night celebrations and community events.