Refugee Communities Association of Australia

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The Refugee Communities Association of Australia (RCAA) is established as a genuine and independent refugee voice for all people of refugee backgrounds and their organisations in Australia. RCAA’s motto is to work “For Refugees, with Refugees, by Refugees”, (Refugee refers to former, current and asylum seekers) independent of all peak refugee advocacy agencies. RCAA will work with all government agencies at all levels by developing effective consultation and collaboration mechanisms.

For a long-time refugee community in Australia have been represented by external agencies and NGOs or by refugees under the remit of these organisations. The former refugee community requires adequate representation in order to ensure effective government policy and community cooperation both now and for future generations.

Therefore, RCAA seeks to be a genuine and independent voice for refugees and to be recognised by government agencies, NGOs and service providers as a trusted advisor and partner.

RCAA has chapters in all Australian states and territories which determine and pursue local priorities for their communities which is fed back to inform the direction of the national body.