Renata Dosanjh

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I'm Ren, the creator of the "SoulEmbodiment" Journey

Over the last 18 years, I've dived deeply into advanced holistic practices, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Activations, Divine Light, and Personal Development Coaching, all enriched by my passion for Human Design. These diverse and profound modalities provide the bedrock for my life's work:

to guide SoulSeekers back to their most authentic and unique expression of themselves. This is all done by:

  • Clarifying who they exactly are without conditioning from others, societal expectations and traumatic experiences.
  • Helping them to implement their Unique Code For Living.
  • Guiding through deep transformational healing

This profound journey empowers to unleash your inner power like never before and fulfil your true purpose and potential, contributing to the world in your unique way.