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Resonance Collective

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If we haven't meet yet,

I'm Loren. I'm an Intuitive Astrologer, Sound healing circle leader and Sacred Rage Initiator. I am deeply passionate about helping individuals discover their highest potential, overcome obstacles, conquer self-doubt, and chart a path from uncertainty to self-assurance. 

Astrology has served as my North Star, illuminating my life’s purpose, guiding me to recognise the inherent freedom within my choices, and teaching me to deeply trust my inner knowing in times of uncertainty.

Connecting with my inner power of Sacred Rage has allowed me to untangle myself from the restrictions I have been taught to place on myself.

I believe my intuitive astrology and sacred rage expertise can be your catalyst for empowerment, unearth fresh perspectives on your identity and your life's journey, and help you establish values and boundaries that feel truest for you.
By connecting with me, connects you to more soul lead businesses here in Perth Western Australia, as I love to collaborate with other truely gifted souls that are here in service. 

Sound healing harnesses the transformative power of sound to create and facilitate a journey of self-discovery and inner balance. Most of my circles includes this modality.  In sacred space we explore the sound journey together, shared experiences, exchange wisdom, and foster a sense of community. 

My circles are mostly co-created with the energy of the celestial patterns. Having this awareness helps pin point cycles and navigate life's challenges and opportunities. Intuitive astrology becomes a compass, revealing the path of what need to be seen, integrated and embodied.