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Rosie Bensoussan

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I'm Rosie, a 31 year old Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Physiotherapist. 

A few things about me and my qualifications;

  • I've been working as a Neurological Physio in Rehab Hospitals for the last 4 years, and working as a Physio since graduating in 2016.
  • I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali in 2019 and my 50 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Mel McLaughlan in 2021.  
  • I've been running my own private mindfulness meditation classes for the last 3 years, fortnightly at my home in Newcastle.
  • I'm currently completing a 2 year Mindfulness Teacher Training program with the Mindfulness Training Institute, in order to teach evidence-based 8 week courses in MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy). 
  • I am a committed and passionate meditation practitioner. I have had my own daily mindfulness practice for over 6 years, have completed countless courses and retreats and am an avid reader of books on mindfulness, meditation and Buddhist Philosophy.

It is an absolute honour and pleasure to be able to run meditation classes, to connect with like minded people and help others tap into their innate wisdom, love and trust. Through mindfulness practices, we cultivate an inner calm and steadiness that helps us navigate the highs and lows of our lives.

All my love, 
