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Ruth Kemp
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Ruth is a spiritual mentor, healer & meditation teacher with a passion for helping people to reconnect to their truth.

We are experiencing such deep anxiety and separation at this time.  Through guided awareness, conscious inquiry and high frequency energy transmissions we can start to shift the distorted patterns that are keeping us stuck.  We are not here to suffer but often it feels like we have no other choice due to deeply held subconscious patterns and beliefs.

Through workshops, mentoring, healing and meditation Ruth supports others to move from density to light.  From feeling trapped to empowered in experiencing more ease, joy and freedom in how life occurs.

Mindfulness | Mentoring | Healing | Meditation

Ruth's spiritual journey started in 2013 but has really been a lifelong process.  Since a disruptive awakening she has studied various energy modalities, kinesiology, medical intuition, the liquid crystals and various meditation teacher trainings.  In late 2013 she also anchored a unique high frequency healing modality associated with solar consciousness, which she channels through the balance of divine feminine energy.