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Sacred Healing Journeys

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Michele Joy is an Intuitive Energy Worker and Breathwork Instructor who is dedicated to helping people become more aligned to who they are here to be at their Soul level. In order to align to this deep level, we need to reset our nervous systems, and release past traumas and emotional woundings.  Michele is an advocate of healing from all levels, body, mind, emotion and Soul. 

She walks beside you through your Sacred Healing Journey with love and compassion but also a gentle dose of accountability so that you can elevate out of old programming and face the Shadow that ultimately leads you to your Highest Divinity.

She comes from a counselling/Social Work background where she counselled clients through addictions, trauma, family issues and relationship conflict. She then decided to go out on her own so she follow her Soul Truth into a more Soul Centred but still Trauma Informed way and support clients who really want to shine and heal from the inside out. 

She uses a number of modalities and practices that focus on Soul Evolution Medicine such as Energy Healing, Rebirthing Breathwork and Pranayama.