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Sadhna Makhija

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Sadhna Makhija
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Registered Counsellor, Life Coach and Trainer
Physiotherapist : Sujanya Iyengar
Exercise Specialist : Randhir Malik

I can help you with

Manage stress: prolonged excess stress can cause headaches, anxiety, and ulcers. Hypnosis has a proven track record in reducing stress and anxiety.

Control habits: using hypnosis you can eliminate or control smoking, excess drinking, problem gambling and nail biting.

Manage weight: hypnosis can change you unhealthy eating habits and motivate you to excercise appropriately.

Enhance your performance: eliminate public speaking anxiety, improve your sports performance, get motivated and overcame procrastination by using hypnosis.

Overcome trauma: overcome panic attacks, phobias and fears.

Manage pain: hypnosis is a proven pain management tool.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: studies have shown that hypnosis is an effective treatment for IBS.

Children: help your children overcome bed-wetting, nightmares, learning difficulies and more.

Learn: self-hypnosis and relaxation skills.