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Nataliya & Sammy

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Nataliya Joscelyne of Medicine Rhythms

Internationally renowned Sound & Movement Facilitator is stepping back into her transformational workshops incorporating breath, sound & movement journey's to assist in bringing you back into your light & grounding you with her unique blend of practices & self exploration. She will guide you to reveal your most authentic embodied self.

So explore your Inner Realms & allow your curiosity & innate playful spirit to reveal & release through mindfulness, presence & meditation so you can embody the authentic you.

Natalyia has over 20 years experience and has hosted intimate workshops as well as organised large events for hundreds of people at a time. She is a master of holding space & creating environments for those who are ready to deepen.

Nataliya has trained in
🦋Ayurvedic Massage
🦋Embodied movement and dance as a Kundalini Dance and Dancing freedom practitioner as well as apprenticing with several movement masters in dance and movement.
🦋Advanced Dip Art Therapy
🦋Voice and sound activation
🦋Family Constellation Practitioner
🦋Vision Quests
🦋Sacred Women’s Work

She has taught at Nature Care College and internationally.

Sammy Josephine

With over a decade of dedicated practice, Sammy offers a harmonious blend of breathwork, sound healing, mindfulness, and somatic practices, grounded in compassion and authenticity. As a devoted mother and partner, her passion for transformative facilitation and the healing arts is deeply influenced by her personal journey as a young mother navigating complex trauma, anxiety, depression, and neurodiversity from an early age.

Sammy's extensive experience spans more than ten years as a certified breathwork facilitator, complemented by training in Sound Healing, Holistic Life Coaching, Spiral – Art of Emotional Clearing and Authentic Relating practices. Her multifaceted approach, coupled with her background as a singer-songwriter and healer, creates resonant experiences that speak to the soul.

Driven by a genuine desire to see others thrive, Sammy's aims to ensure that every individual attending her workshops and sessions feel supported and empowered. She continually strives to deepen her knowledge, skills & understanding in creating safe, inclusive, trauma-aware spaces.