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Sanaam is a genuine Master of Breathwork & Psychotherapy, Jaan 'Sanaam' Jerabek has enjoyed over 30 years of professional experience facilitating groups and trainings as one of Australia’s foremost authorities on Rebirthing/ Trauma Release Breathwork.

Having founded the ‘Australian Breathwork Association’ (ABA) 30 years ago

ay age 19, to bring high standards of training & ethics to the industry

he foresaw would eventually dominate the field of Mental Health, Wellbeing

and Contemporary Western Spirituality.

Sanaam’s message is that 'Mental Illness' is a progressive disease of the Spirit, not of the mind, and can be permanently resolved without the need for medication or drastic lifestyle changes.

Sanaam's 7 Day Advanced Life Transformation intensives are internationally acclaimed and are a benchmark worldwide for deep personal work & 'Spiritual Bootcamps'.

A unique opportunity to experience a pre-eminent leader in this field.