Welcome, I am Juniper Rose, High Priestess, Intuitive Pagan Witch, Ceremonial, Women's Circle & Workshop Facilitator, Holistic Meditation Guide, Spiritual Coach and Magickal Mentor.
I am Honoured to guide and support those who work with me through deep transitions that facilitate awareness, connection and growth. Through Rose and Serpent energies particularly I offer my guidance, wisdom and support as an experienced woman, priestess and witch entering her Crone Season. I work with several deities and have undergone many sacred transformative rites with them including sacred initiations within the high energy portals of Egypt upon 2 spiritual journeys there 2019 and in 2024.
I have over 20 years experience in leading others through ritual and ceremony, journeying, meditation, and connection through witchcraft based practices and have been both a member of a Coven and a High Priestess of my own Coven. I have also dwelt in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, so have a good balanced understanding of the cycles and seasons.
I am a qualified Spiritual Coach, Holistic Meditation and Yoga Nidra facilitator with a passion for supporting others to dig deep and embrace the cycles of change.
I also regularly lead groups both in-person and online and have also facilitated at community events and festivals. Whilst my work is most often within a group container, I also offer one to one session when my schedule allows me to do so, get in touch if this is you.
Formally The Wayward Path, I have recently undergone a name change to honour my deepening immersion into the Rose energy, that has been with me my whole life and was called further to do so by goddess Hathor whilst in Egypt and so Sanctum of the Rose has been birthed. New website coming very soon.
I thank you for your interest in me and what I offer and I hope to share space with you very soon.
Many Blessings to you for your Journey,
Juniper Rose
Sanctum of the Rose