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Hi there Beautiful Soul, Im Sandra.

From the earliest moments, there was this intuitive spark within me, a whisper of understanding that transcended the ordinary. It was as if I could feel the unspoken truths lingering beyond what met the eye.

But as life unfolded, I found myself veering away from this innate sense. Engrossed in diverse pursuits, I unknowingly distanced myself from what felt like a deeper calling, neglecting the intuitive threads that wove through my being.

Approaching midlife, despite my natural inclination toward healing and guiding others, I sensed a profound disconnection. It was as though I'd lost touch with my soul's purpose amidst the haste of attending to everyone else's needs.

Then, Bali beckoned a transformative pilgrimage, with my best friend and soul sister, that became a turning point. Amidst the enchanting beauty of that sacred place, something within me stirred. It was a rekindling, a reawakening of that intuitive side that had long lain dormant. Suddenly, it became clear my purpose was to assist women navigating the intricate terrain of midlife, using this innate intuition as a guiding light.

Now, life feels more aligned, more attuned. Guiding these remarkable women, I'm rediscovering the potency of that intuitive connection. Together, we traverse a shared path of self-discovery, peeling back the layers of our souls to embrace wholeness and renewal. I have reclaimed that innate intuition, allowing it to illuminate my own path while guiding others to rediscover their truest selves.