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Sarah Lane

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As a Somatic Awakening Mentor & Breathwork Guide, Sarah Lane helps women heal trauma and strengthen their spiritual connection through breath, movement, energy work, and inner child healing.

As a keeper of ancient womb wisdom codes, Sarah is passionate about educating & inspiring women to connect with their sacred bodies and to reclaim their sexual energy as their own. Through womb reiki healing, embodiment practices, yoni steaming, & yoni eggs, Sarah helps women to clear womb trauma while accessing her Truth through her intuitive womb space. 

Sarah’s extensive training in Breathwork, Reiki, Yoga, and Somatic Coaching provide a grounded, holistic approach that equally values spirituality and humanity. She provides a safe, non-judgmental container for emotions to be felt and alchemized. Her mission is to lead empaths, mystics, and healers into sovereignty and empowerment as we collectively steward a new paradigm of heart-centered consciousness anchoring heaven on earth.

Sarah facilitates healing retreats, transformational breathwork journeys at music festivals, 1:1 mentorship, group programs, as well as dance + movement experiences that bring us closer to Truth. Learn more about Sarah & follow her on Instagram at @iam.sarahlane.