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Serena Schembri
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I'm a nutritionist and a birth and postpartum doula. Balancing my roles as a professional and a parent to a lively 2.5-year-old and a spirited 10-month-old fuels my commitment to promoting holistic family wellness.

The foundation of my practice lies within a clinic that resonates with my values. This allows me to offer comprehensive care and connect clients with exceptional resources.

My expertise spans preconception care, postpartum planning, and, particularly, the intricacies of family nutrition.

With over a decade of experience, I have cultivated a profound passion for using food as a foundation for enhancing family health and well-being. I specialise in creating realistic, nurturing, family-friendly nutrition strategies.

I focus on preventing burnout among ambitious women and addressing the dynamic challenges of toddler nutrition.

Join me as we explore empowering and practical approaches to eating well, fostering healthy family dynamics, and nurturing mental health. I am excited to share insights, connect with you, and support each other in our collective journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled life.