The Museum of Understanding Through Tolerance and Inclusion Ltd (MUTTI)'s goal is to build Australia’s first permanent museum dedicated to human rights. MUTTI is founded on the principles of human rights artist Belinda Mason OAM who, for over 25 years, has employed art as a powerful medium to promote empathy, unity, and social change. Continuing her approach, MUTTI invites artists to collaborate with marginalised communities through diverse mediums, including theatre, music, film, photography, and literature, to empower and amplify the voices of those often unheard. These are individuals marginalised due to their gender, sexual orientation or identity as LGBTQIA+, Indigenous, or ethnically diverse. By artists co-creating thought-provoking artistic expressions that challenge the harms caused by discrimination, the dignity of marginalised individuals is respectfully upheld. This approach emphasises the power of empathy, tolerance, and inclusion to boost self-worth, foster a sense of belonging, and strengthen community bonds. MUTTI also prioritises co-designing accessibility needs to ensure meaningful engagement with these communities in all its programming. MUTTI’s events, workshops and exhibitions provide safe spaces for the public to connect with artists, survivors, and local services, where conversations that promote social change can flourish. These events have catalysed real-world change, including early intervention and community-led solutions.