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Sevenfold Theatre Company

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Sevenfold Theatre Company Inc exists to nurture, support and showcase artists in their creative journey through the development of live performance, based in Naarm/Melbourne.

Sevenfold Theatre Company was born, with a mission to not only create exceptional productions but also to support and uplift fellow artists on their artistic journeys.

At Sevenfold, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration and the strength that comes from diversity. We welcome artists from all backgrounds and disciplines, embracing a wide range of talents and perspectives. As we grow and evolve, we continue to extend our platform to more artists, fostering a vibrant community that thrives on mutual inspiration and support.

Whether you're an aspiring actor, a seasoned playwright, a devoted patron of the arts, or simply someone who shares our passion for theatre – Sevenfold Theatre Company Inc welcomes you with open arms.

Thank you for being a part of our story!