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Sheilah Hogan

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Sheilah Hogan Casey walks the talk as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year winner, with a career spanning 20+ years owning and running companies between the US, UK and Australia.

Co-founding a multinational business at the age of 30, and growing it to a staff of 150+ across 7 locations, Sheilah successfully exited that business to move her family from New York City to Australia in 2010. She held Director roles here in APAC for the next 8 years before launching the BX Collective in 2018. Sheilah now works with Entrepreneurs & leadership teams to strengthen and scale their businesses.

Her international business career, lived experiences, and multifaceted training allows Sheilah to relate to a diverse audience of fellow entrepreneurs, and to share a treasure chest of resources. As a Professional EOS Implementer since 2021, Sheilah is most passionate about helping organisations run smoother and grow 'healthier'!