Hello, and welcome from Sienna, your host!
Global Caravan Tribal Bellydance (GCTB) nurtures my creative soul, it allows me to connect to self, it’s a moving meditation that helps to quieten my mind and energise my body. I love the feminine energy of the dance and the challenges and opportunities that dancing, teaching, performing and studying provides.
I am passionate about sharing this dance with like-minded women and endeavour to grow (and showcase!) the Global Caravan community in Cairns and worldwide.
I first started Tribal Bellydance in Innisfail, 2002 as a student with Nina Martinez of Temple Rain. It was during this time that Nina 'discovered' GCTB and our collective devotion to the format began.
After moving to Cairns I began teaching and established my own dance school 'Tribal Zest' in March 2007. So International Women's Day is an extra special anniversary date for me!
Since those early beginnings, I have deepened my commitment to Global Caravan Dance and have done intensive GCTB® study with Paulette Rees-Denis having achieved Collective Soul certifications Level One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven, Teacher Training Certifications Level One, Two, Three and Four and Tribal Grooves Teacher Training Level One and Two. I am currently enrolled in Global Caravan Tribal Bellydance Master Teacher Level One Training. I am also a performing member of the Global Caravan Dance Company International.
Dance is about fun first! Why don't you consider joining me for a shimmy!