Sjoerd Coenders

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Sjoerd is a breath coach who empowers people to achieve the best version of themselves by optimizing their health with the superpower of breath. He believes that the power of the breath can improve your health, enhance performance and ability to deal with stress, increase energy, better concentration & enrich the quality of life.
He is passionate about delivering the importance of breathing to people’s day-to-day lives. He is also purposeful in sharing the healing powers of breakthrough breathing that assists in overcoming traumas.
Healthy breathing changed his life when he was in a time of his life to find his purpose. He loves to give people a great time and make them feel happy. Working in hospitality fulfilled this need and he wanted to give and serve at a level with a higher purpose. During a breathing experience, he felt a connection with his little brother "Lucky" Luuk, who only lived for 8 days when Sjoerd was 4 years old. This experience pushed him towards his destiny to serve people with the power of the breath.
As a child and teenager, he had challenges in keeping up with the rest of his football team because he was out of breath. In his adult life, this issue returned when he started playing other sports, especially in triathlon. Using optimal breathing he no longer suffers from being out of breath and can perform at his best.
Sjoerd holds a master instructor breathwork certification and has taken several breathwork courses through Breathless Expeditions, founded by Johannes Egberts. Sjoerd also holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration (Hotel Management) from Maastricht Hotel Management School (The Netherlands)
When Sjoerd is not empowering people to become the best version of themselves by coaching the power of breath, Sjoerd can be found in the water freediving. Swimming, Cycling & Running with his triathlon buddies, or enjoying a great hike in nature. Sharing food and drinks with friends is something that he is always up for.