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Social Change, Enabling Impact Platforms

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Social change research makes sense of people’s experiences, locally and globally, to inform government policy, business practices, designs of digital systems, educational practices, community-based initiatives, and other innovations that benefit and strengthen society.

Social change research is inherently interdisciplinary and focuses on making an impact in the world. Our research takes a human-focused approach to society’s most pressing challenges. We work across diverse populations, settings, and social contexts to identify and understand people’s needs and to engage with individuals, groups, and organisations to foster evidence-based change.

The Social Change Platform focuses on transformative research in four key areas: digital society; quality of life; global mobility; and research practice for social change.

Our vision

Professor Lisa Given
Director, RMIT Social Change Platform

Community engagement is a critical pathway to societal research impact. In the social sciences and humanities, we collaborate across disciplines and co-design our research programs and activities with our communities to foster adoption of innovations.

Please feel free to contact Social Change (EIP) via email.