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Sofia Eastmond

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Sofia Eastmond is a Chopra Meditation Certified Instructor (trained by Deepak Chopra and his team), a ThetaHealing Advanced Certified Practitioner, and the author of the children's book "The Magic of Who You Are."

Sofia left a successful career in the corporate world and retrained to fulfil her mission of facilitating transformation and freedom from suffering. Her work is about empowering you to reclaim your spark, power, and joy.

She's passionate about people reaching their full potential and living life from an abundant perspective. Sofia is a firm believer that healing your wounds to become who you’re meant to be doesn’t have to be complicated.

As human beings, we come equipped with everything we need to heal ourselves and live the richest expressions of our lives. All you need to do is tap into that power.

Sofia wants you to rediscover your full power, beauty, and most of all, your natural bliss in an effortless way.