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Sonia Zammit & Bronwyn Campbell

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Sonia & Bronwyn are both Melbourne based trainers and clinical psychologists, and are members of MINT: the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

Sonia has worked as a clinical Psychologist in private practice for the past 13 years with youth and adults, with prior roles in Drug and Alcohol sector. She has particular interests in dual diagnosis and trauma and has completed advanced schema therapy certification. Motivational interviewing is a core approach utilized when supporting clients in their growth and wellbeing. Sonia also works as a trainer and coach in motivational Interviewing, as a. supervisor in community health and VicRoads Behaviour change programs, and works as a clinician and research clinician in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy 

Bronwyn currently provides brief intervention support with youth at Headspace, and supervises university provisional psychologists. Bronwyn has worked in community health, private practice, online service delivery and leadership roles. She has assisted people with behaviour change goals concerning their substance use, mental health and psychosocial stressors. She has also undertaken clinical intervention roles within RCTs for problem gambling, parenting & child well-being.