Sports Jam, launched in 2018 in loving memory of Jam & Rie and inspired by Jam’s passion & enthusiasm for sports, aims to assist families to keep active. Jam’s mum (& Rie’s too!) holds various events to encourage families to keep moving while having fun. To date, we have hosted Free Come & Try programs for kids to try basketball, cricket, dodgeball, footy, netball, soccer, taekwon-do, tennis & volleyball. We also run friendly Volleyball tournaments and most recently, we started dance2jam where we encourage friends to rekindle their passion for dancing or simply groove for fun! We also support athletes by offering value-for-money sportswear, RIEzer Sports, through one of our sponsors, Team Rebel.
Sports Jam does not receive government grants or funding. We solely rely on the generosity of volunteers, partners and sponsors. Mum of Jam & Rie is grateful to everyone who has joined her in this journey.
No GoFundMe or other donation platforms will be set up for Sports Jam. If you wish to support us financially, please message us at and we will be glad to assist.