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Steph French
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Disconnect is a recurring theme in today’s conversations around systemic change. We have become disconnected not just from those around us and the natural world of which we are part, but also from ourselves. The effects of this disconnect are increasingly evident, and increasingly destructive.

My focus is on reconnecting people with their intuitive wisdom and thereby supporting us to navigate the path towards systemic change. Systemic constellations and deep listening lie at the heart of this work. The methodology of constellations provides an awareness-based approach for identifying blockages to progress and then the momentum to shift them. 

My involvement with systemic constellations began in 2017 when I joined a practice group with one of the UK's leading constellations practitioners, Gaye Donaldson. My training in organisational constellations was initially guided by Ed Rowland of The Whole Partnership, the UK’s main organisational training group, then supplemented with advanced training from Constellators International. CPD is vital to this work and I will shortly complete the Applied Training at the Centre for Systemic Constellations.