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Stevie Georgia

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Stevie Georgia is a singer-songwriter living in the Adelaide Hills. She writes songs from the heart that touch on her own lived experience as well as tunes that delve into themes of fantasy and mythology.
Stevie's phiolosophy in her songwriting and the reinterpretation of the selection of covers she shares with her audience centres around the K.I.S.S. priniciple - "keep it simple sweetheart!" Just a girl and her guitar.
As a proud trans woman, Stevie believes in the importance of empowerment, representation and visibility. She continues to advocate for this through her music at various Rainbow events across Adelaide and SA, as well as performing recently in Sydney as part of a Mardi Gras event.
Stevie has fronted local original bands The Echo Chamber and Mandemaker before making the leap to a solo project.
Follow her on instagram @steviegeorgia_music or