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Streaming Industries and Genres Network

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The Streaming Industries and Genres Network (SIGN) brings together scholars and key industry experts to contribute evidence-based strategy, policy recommendations and public understanding around how streaming entertainment – including streaming video (both subscription and user-generated), gaming, and social media platforms – constructs and frames genre.

SIGN integrates a variety of research methods and perspectives from across industry and academia to illuminate how streaming is transforming audience understandings of and engagement with entertainment genres.

SIGN provides an environment for scholars from a variety of disciplines to collaborate on strategies for knowledge translation with industry stakeholders from relevant organisations. Knowledge translation focuses on evidence-based policy development and industry strategy around the rise of streaming entertainment, as well as cultivating new public understandings.

SIGN examines:

  • The deep socio-cultural ramifications of shifting paradigms around content categorisation, discoverability, and access with the rise of streaming video services and other streaming-based entertainment platforms.
  •  Shifting policy and industry strategies in relation to the organisation of content on streaming services and platforms.
  • Audience engagement with new and evolving content distribution and categorisation systems, such as streaming video platform interfaces, content recommendation systems, and catalogues.

A multi-institutional network, SIGN is based at RMIT and supported by the Social Change Enabling Impact Platform.