Surfers for Climate

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Surfers for Climate is an Australian charity dedicated to turning the tide on climate change.

The first set rolled in for Surfers for Climate in October 2019, after surfing co-founders Johnny Abegg and Belinda Baggs attended a climate summit on Heron Island, off the coast of Queensland within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. They were moved by what they learned about climate science, the impacts of climate change and just how many viable solutions there were in Australia. Most importantly, they were struck by the critical role the oceans play in addressing the climate crisis. The experience made them breathless, like gasping for air after a solid beatdown. But they were committed to paddling out and taking the drop for climate action.

This was the first ‘party wave’ of climate action - Johnny and Belinda took off together.

Inspired by the collective power of surfers in the successful Fight for the Bight campaign in South Australia, since forming, Surfers for Climate has continued to grow, with thousands of people from the surfing community across Australia coming together to take off on the party wave of climate action and become part of the solution to the climate crisis.