Susan Kearney

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Discover SuziJ, an artist whose vibrant creations are influenced by Sergio Arandas’ unique and colorful abstract works. Inspired by Arandas’ diverse strategies and tools, SuziJ has honed a style that captivates with its bold use of color and imaginative approach. Her talent was recognized with first prize in mixed media at the Wooli Art Festival in 2004, where her winning piece was eagerly acquired.

Located at 6 Coldstream Street, Ulmarra, SuziJ invites you to join her workshops, held any day of the week in her welcoming studio. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned artist, these workshops offer a hands-on opportunity to explore SuziJ’s techniques and unleash your creativity in a supportive environment. Experience firsthand the passion and expertise of an award-winning artist, and immerse yourself in the art of expression under SuziJ’s guidance.