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A little about myself

My name is SuSana a name that came to me recently while on pilgrimage in Peru. I was born in the deep south of New Zealand, Aotearoa as I prefer to call it, I felt disconnected from my family and this planet where I'd landed. My earliest memories or knowings were of dancing and flying among the stars and my home was a paradise of profound beauty, where the vibration was pure love. So my search for my true home began... Thankfully my Grandmother had been sent here too, as my Angel guardian and how blessed I was to have her show me the intricate detail and beauty found in my natural environment. Many joyful years were spent with her, immersed in wonder and imagination, which helped ease my old soul yearnings and feelings of loneliness. 

 My curiosity and thirst for meaning and understanding, lead me down many spiritual paths, until I found a teacher who introduced me to the knowledge of my heart, that which I had been searching for was inside of me! This was a profound real, felt experience, a death and an awakening, this was to be the first of many. As happy as I was for many years in this practise, I knew there was more I needed learn, listening to the call of my heart, intuitive memories, messages from spirit, all beckoned me to journey deeper to discover my mission here on planet Earth.

I'm a natural creative, an artist and free spirit, destined to follow an unconventional path, which eventually drew me to my profession as an Interior designer and artist. I've worked in roles in the corporate and private sector both in Australia and abroad. I've always been naturally drawn to living a healthy, wholesome lifestyle and believe in self healing and alternative health modalities. I have a diploma in Zen Shiatsu, from before the new wave of Zen Thai became popular. I continue to enjoy my creative work, but as life unfolded, so too my craving for more knowledge and study...

It wasn't until I experienced great loss, trauma, a massive event, when I was plunged into the depths of despair, that I was forced to really look at myself. This momentous event was like a crystal sword that had pieced my soul, and yet even though it was a really painful, lonely time in my life, I had this very strong sense of knowing that it was something I needed to go through, in which to grow and transform. It was the duality of life, of not being able to know light without knowing darkness... and that everything was going to be ok.

I believe everything happens for a reason and as much as we try and control things, I've learnt we are definitely NOT in control. This event was another opportunity for expansion, a time for healing and discovering more of my unique gifts. Through my own experience of healing I found the medicine of dance, I'd always loved this expression, but hadn't felt the profound affect it had to bring joy, to connect me with my heart and elevate vibrational energy. From this I created 'Dance for joy' and started sharing regular events with my community.

And so the next stage of my journey and study of the healing arts begun...

On a Solstice Cacao ceremony event online, I found myself embarking on a Sacred Cacao ceremonialist apprenticeship with Jemmita of 'Anchoring the light'  Wow! It was a time of huge growth and expansion that just flowed in synchronicity. My heart just knows and it's open to respond. I learnt so much about holding space for healing, also about the sacredness of ceremony, ancient shamanic practices, earth wisdom, magic and so much more. From here I trained as a 'Dancing Freedom' facilitator, which has enriched all my offerings tenfold. Next expansive unfolding was to embark on two profoundly, life changing pilgrimages to Peru. No words! Of recent times I've completed Breathwork facilitator training with the incredible Catalina Rojas of IN_Breath, which has magically infused my healing recipes and culminated in offerings which inspires and excite me to share with all.

From now on I choose to listen to my heart, it's the best advice, I've ever given myself!

There are so many people, places and experiences I could mention that have deeply changed me, but I'll leave you with a little mystery for now, so hopefully I might be able to surprise you in the future. In the mean time, come check out an event or retreat or book in for a personal 1:1 session. If you're in Maleny, come along to my regular Monday morning dance sessions, it's an awesome way start to your day and fill your cup with JOY !!

As I continue to learn and grow, I'Il share my wisdom and tools with you, with the hope I can gently guide you in your own journeys of healing and awakening.

I'm forever grateful for my life.

With love, light and joy

