Te Kotahi a Tāmaki - Marae Collective's logo

Te Kotahi a Tāmaki - Marae Collective

Te Kotahi a Tāmaki - Marae Collective's logo
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The name Te Kotahi a Tāmaki was given by a local kaumātua of Tāmaki Makaurau, to encourage unity and enable collective impact across marae here in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The collective reinforces marae as recognised centres of cultural excellence and enterprise for our whanau and their communities. By working together to share skills, knowledge and build whakawhanaungatanga (relationships) creating opportunities and transformational change for whānau, hapū and iwi.

Each marae have a moemoeā (vision) that they aspire to achieve maintaining their own mana motuhake. Te Kotahi a Tāmaki – Marae Collective looks to support and accelerate that journey, to thrive and grow!