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Te Papa Learning Team

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Your facilitators for this course are:

Laura Jones

Laura has worked in the museum education sector for over eight years. Engaging audiences and deepening narratives using art and objects is her passion.

Previously, Laura has taught in schools in Cambridge, London, Barcelona and Wellington, where her interest in art and object-based learning began.

She has a degree in English and Art History, and Postgraduate qualifications in both Education and Museum and Heritage Studies.

Laura loves to help people develop personal connections with art and discover the power of objects to explore critical ideas and narratives. She is passionate about helping teachers and museum professionals engage with museums in creative ways to open up the museum space for challenging conversations.

Mero Rokx

Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tai, Ngāti Ira

Mero has worked across the education sector, from ECE to tertiary level teaching, for over 15 years and joined the Te Papa learning team at the start of 2024 as one of the Kaupapa Māori Learning Specialists. Mero is passionate about te ao Māori and carries with her a holistic approach to delivery where manaakitanga and whanaungatanga is fundamental to all of her interactions. She generously shares authentic mātauranga gained through both lived and learned experiences and having moved to Wellington from Te Tairāwhiti, works to curate programmes that have a strong focus on kaitiakitanga. Mero is guided by the whakataukī, “horahia e Matariki ki te whenua, te māramatanga mō te motu e” placing significance on the mauri that exists between land and sky.