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TERI Common Grounds Cafe

TERI Common Grounds Cafe's logo
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As part of the TERI family, TERI Common Grounds Café was recently named as one of Redfin's Top 10 destinations for unique dining, live music, and educational experience. Moreover, all profits go towards TERI’s programs for San Diego’s special needs population.

TERI’s mission is to change the way the world sees, helps, and empowers individuals with special needs. So, Common Grounds is also being used to train individuals with disabilities for careers in retail, restaurant, and culinary services.

While the center is designed to provide vocational training to individuals with disabilities, it also serves as a community resource for businesses and residents with space for meetings, clubs, and events.

We invite you to stop by, have a cup of coffee, enjoy our hospitality, and learn about The TERI Campus of Life and our plans as we continue to build this amazing community asset!