TERRA Songwriting

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TERRA Songwriting is a growing community of nurturing and hard-working creatives.

We engage with each other at songwriting retreats, in songwriting groups, at concerts, during contests, and more.

Our Songwriting Retreats are focused on holding space for and encouraging creative progress. Breakthroughs come in many forms - a one-on-one conversation, a group listening session, co-writing activities, and more. Retreat attendees will have the opportunity to stretch their skills and grow their knowledge. Our songwriting retreats are modeled in a way to facilitate learning from each other and the unique perspectives we all have - in life and with writing songs.

Songwriting Groups are 3-week sessions conducted fully online. We are given prompts every week and expected to write and submit our work by the end of the week. After each session, participants will have successfully worked on 3 new songs, received feedback from peers, and connected with new songwriters.

We periodically host songwriting contests online and concerts in the Cleveland, OH area.

No matter if you’re a seasoned songwriter or someone who’s just picking it up, we believe everyone will find our community welcoming and valuable.