The Bo Fig Nomadic Boutique Rugs

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The eclectic mix of colours, textures, and styles is just one of the things that makes The Bo Fig so special. It's a place where you can find a rug that reflects your own personal style.

It's clear that our owner has poured her heart and soul into The Bo Fig. She's not just selling rugs; she's sharing her passion for Persian and Middle Eastern culture with the world. And she's doing it in a way that is both beautiful and inviting.

A space where people can come together to learn about and celebrate her culture.

The Bo Fig hosts regular events at the store, such as rug-weaving workshops, storytelling's and Persian food tastings. These events are a great way to meet other people who share your love of Persian culture, and they're also a great way to learn more about the history and craftsmanship of Persian rugs.