The Pride Of Bettermen and Lionesses

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The Pride Of Bettermen and Lionesses is based on the Gold Coast,

1. We help men and women to become Better, to become better Fathers, Mothers, Husbands, Wives, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters and Leaders;

2. We contribute to our community, to strengthen our community; and

3. We provide a Community to support ourselves and others.

We are a charity whose purpose is to advance social or public welfare by providing mentoring and support to men and women in our community to develop them and their families physically, emotionally and mentally.

We are a Community Group for men and women that represents good values, healthy relationships and engagement with each other. We provide comradery, gathering and a rite of passage for those looking to challenge their limits.

In most cultures, Men and Women traditionally must undertake a rite of passage to earn their role in their community. This rite of passage often involves physical, emotional and spiritual challenges that truly test them and their right to earn their place. In modern culture, these rites of passage have been eroded, and young men and women never get the opportunity to test themselves, to challenge their physical barriers and mental resilience, to learn what it truly means to be a part of a community, as a result, we have a society that suffers from a lack of community.

The Pride develops men and women physically, emotionally and mentally. We build mental resilience and confidence in them by mentoring them to understand their role in our community. Like Lions, we are members of a “Pride”, a safe haven where men and women are not judged but learn positive and affirmative behaviour from the example of others, and are never left behind but supported by the Pride. Our activities include boxing, hiking, physical challenges and events, and social gatherings. We also support business leaders with advice and mentoring with the Legends Advisory Boards.

An integral part of being a Betterman or Lioness is making a contribution to community, and we further support charities such as The Sanctuary Women, Children and Pets Refuge, PTSD Resurrected and Transplant Australia.

We know from demonstrated results that with intervention and strong mentoring, we can interrupt the behavioural cycle of men and women at risk and influence their behaviour and mindset, this is demonstrated to reduce the risk of them instigating or being victims of physical and emotional abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, gambling and self harm.