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The Sewing Yogi
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Libby Rose - The Sewing YOGI  is a traditionally trained
Hatha Yoga instructor 500hr YTT.
Trained by her teachers in both philosophy and Asana at Shanti Mandir Ashram, situated in Magod, Gujarat, India.

500hr Yoga Teacher Training, India Immersion –
Shanti Mandir  –  Shantarasa Yoga 

Yoga Psychology & Meditation – Shantarasa Yoga
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training – Shantarasa Yoga
Applied Ayurveda – 70hr Certification Training with Dr VIkas Mali
Kids Yoga Instructor Certification – (YOGAKIDS SA!)
Ongoing training: – 300 hours Ayurvedic Studies:
 ‘Ayurvedic Life-Style Consultant.’ VAMADEVA SHASTRI –
SUBTLE BODY – Shantarasa Yoga –
YOGA CHIKITSA – Shantarasa Yoga