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The StrokeEd Collaboration

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The StrokeEd Collaboration is an Australian registered company and education provider. Members of the collaboration offer evidence-based workshops and lectures to improve the skills, knowledge and practice of rehabilitation therapists, and influence the delivery of rehabilitation services to stroke survivors.
Directors of the collaboration include Dr Simone Dorsch (Physiotherapist), Dr Annie McCluskey (Occupational therapist), Dr Kate Scrivener (Phyiotherapist) and Karl Schurr (Physiotherapist).
StrokeEd collaborators are experienced clinicians, educators and active researchers, recognised leaders in their profession, higher research degree graduates (PhD or MSc), experienced providers of rehabilitation in public and/or private health, and registered physiotherapists / occupational therapists.
    Our vision is that physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other rehabilitation professionals have the skills, knowledge, confidence and competence to routinely deliver evidence-based rehabilitation; and that all stroke survivors receive prompt, evidence-based rehabilitation.
    Our website provides workshop informationlectures and resources for physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other rehabilitation professionals. Stroke survivors may also find some of the information helpful. Workshop topics include upper and lower limb retraining, balance retrainingcoaching skillsincreasing amounts of practice (1000 reps), constraint-induced movement therapy and knowledge translation. Workshops are delivered face-to-face and online. 
    Contact us if you wish to organise a workshop or go to the calendar if you wish to attend a workshop.