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The Yin Breath

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The Yin Breath is a place to breathe, create and get inspired!

Jo McEniery is Founder, Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner, Vocal Sound Healer and Creative Facilitator at The Yin Breath. She is a dreamer, lover, writer, listener, energy worker, nature lover, dancer, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, confidant and lover of life.

Jo is here to support people with whatever they need to let go of, call in, create, envision, imagine, believe in and be, to live the life they know they are here to lead. She's a lover of the mystical and magical, and has been certified as a Reiki Practitioner since 2015, an Intuitive Guide since 2017, and a Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner and Vocal Sound Healer since 2022. She is also a life-long creative soul and has been writing professionally for the past ten years.

Jo holds a space of deep reverence, non-judgment and compassion for all who choose to work with her. Being in a session with her is like being held in a Mother Earth-like embrace of unconditional love.