Namaste Yogini's!
I'm Laura, and I'm passionate about sharing all things related to the science of 'YOGA', Menstrual Cycle Awareness, Feminine Embodiment and Holistic Healing.
The focus of my teachings is to develop greater self awareness, and connection to self.
Learn practices to go beyond the mind and access the bliss and healing body's.
I hold a safe and nurturing space for you to drop in, reset and receive deep nurturance.
Yoga is a transformative journey to liberation and freedom.
Yoga is the coming home to self.
Yoga is a science, (of which I am a lifelong student), it is a complete holistic framework to living a life of pure joy and bliss, free of limitation.
I have 500 Registered Yoga Training hours.
My yoga teaching comes from a 200 hr registered training in Bali at the Yoga Barn with Emily Kuser from High Vibe Yoga, a 300hr registered Yoga Coach Master Training with Mark Breadner, in addition to 14 years of self practice. I have been teaching for almost years, after leaving a clinical medical career to pursue my calling of Holistic Health and Energy Healing.
All of my classes provide modifications and use a wide variety of props. The more props the better - especially for Restorative yoga featured in every class.
Peace. Love. Aum.
Love and light,
Laura xx
The Abundant Yogini