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Thorne Harbour Health

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Thorne Harbour Health has a long, rich and diverse history, working with and for LGBTI communities and people living with HIV. Founded on 12 July 1983 as the Victorian AIDS Action Committee, the organisation has led the community response to the rising HIV/AIDS epidemic in Victoria and beyond. Today, Thorne Harbour Health remains committed to the community response to HIV while also supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTI communities more broadly.

Thorne Harbour recognises our past by paying tribute to community leaders like Alison Thorne and Keith Harbour but also our community’s legacy of bravery, commitment, imagination, and vision —now and into the future.

What we do

Working with the communities it serves, Thorne Harbour Health delivers a broad range of health services and programs to our gender, sex, and sexuality diverse communities. Thorne Harbour offers a range of services including:

  • Counselling
  • HIV Testing & Prevention
  • Alcohol & Other Drug Support
  • Trans and Gender Diverse Health
  • Health Promotion
  • Family Violence Support
  • General Practice
  • Support for People Living with HIV

Thorne Harbour Health has a number of sites delivering these services across Melbourne as well as Bendigo and Adelaide.

Thorne Harbour Health advocates for the overall health and wellbeing of our LGBTI and PLHIV communities by seeking to ensure all individuals are treated with dignity and afforded the opportunity to participate fully in society.