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Tiddas in Business - Murawin

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About the Tiddas in Business Program

Tiddas in Business is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, and leadership skills for women who would like to go into business. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools, and resources for starting and growing a business.

About the Business Ready Workshops

Tiddas in Business uses a toolkit that covers topics central to establishing a business, including - how to get started, ABN registration, business names, doing e-business, business structures, forecast + cash flow, strategic planning, insurance, Intellectual Property rights, digital marketing + networking, money, legal advice, scaling your business, exporting.

Business Ready Workshop 1
1. Introduction to Indigenous Business
2. Business Start Up Checklist
3. Business Model Canvas
4. 5 Min Logo / 5 Min Website

Business Ready Workshop 2
1. Product Development
2. Sales, Marketing & Promotions
3. Financial Forecasting
4. Developing Your Business Plan


Kat Henaway
Leesa Watego | LinkedIn

About the Virtual Mentoring Circles

The informal mentoring circles are culturally safe place to join with other tiddas, sistas and sista-girls in business to yarn, share thoughts and ideas, ask questions, and build supportive relationships with others. The yarns provide benefit from the knowledge of the facilitator as well as from the experiences of other tiddas in business.


Kat Henaway - Blax Capital
Sector Specialists

About the Masterclasses

Workshops that delve into topics: Walking in Two Worlds, Communicating with Influence and The Art of Pitching; Business Plan/Capability Statement; Developing Proposals; Cashflow forecast; Marketing & Sales; Cyber Security; Web page development; Business Tax, BAS - working with the ATO; Legal Matters for starting your business, IP and Copyright; Strategic Planning.


Leesa Watego | LinkedIn - Iscariot Media: im. – we do projects (iscariotmedia.com)
Sarah Hyland | LinkedIn - Together Business Home (togetherbusiness.au)

About the Leadership Forums

The Leadership Forums are hosted by Michelle Deshong, current CEO of Supply Nation, or Carol Vale, CEO of Murawin. They both share Indigenous leadership wisdom for Well-being, Closing the Gap through Investment, and developing self-awareness of leadership potentials, both individually and collectively.

Keynote Speakers

Michelle Deshong | LinkedIn - Michelle Deshong and Associates | Facilitation, leadership and governance training, human rights advocacy and community development outcomes (deshongconsulting.com.au)
Carol Vale | LinkedIn - Murawin | Indigenous Voice Consultancy