After moving from Wellington into the Wairarapa we started gardening again on our small section in Carterton. Due to being educated at a Rudolf-Steiner-School in Germany, organic and bio-dynamic growing methods were familiar but doing a Permaculture Design Certificate added another level of knowledge to how we designed and worked in our private garden. During Covid I used the fee-free study option offered by the government and got the level 3 and 4 certificates in organic primary horticulture production which in turn drove my decision to start a very small market garden business which is still in its infancy. As part of my studies, I learnt a lot about organic production methods and set up our market garden business on another piece of land in Carterton. Although not organic certified, I grow vegetables based on organic principles and use soil blocks a lot. Part of the garden is set up using a method called square-foot-gardening and my plan is to be in full production by spring 2025, based on the knowledge and experiences gained over the last couple of years.