Toymods is still friendly, still socially focused and still loving Toyota’s of any vintage !
If you own or just appreciate Toyota’s then I urge you to meet the faces of the club and not just the usernames on the forum or our facebook pages. You will find those of us who leave our computers once in a while are a welcoming and social bunch.
The Toymods Car Club – An actual Car Club and still way more than just a Forum in a digital age.
The Toymods Car Club has grown to a become a registered and incorporated club within NSW and operates as a non-profit organisation. With a solid financial membership base and a large online community, the club holds cruises and events on a regular basis.
Catering to our local community, Toymods proudly presents 'Toyota Fest'... our annual event aimed at promoting and celebrating the enthusiasm of Toyota Owners by providing an event where they can come together, display their pride and joy and chat with like minded individuals.
The club is also approved by the RTA for the issue of Historic Registration. If you have a Classic Toyota and would like to apply for Historic Registration or just want to know more about it check the Historic Rego page on our website.
To help keep all this under control, there are the volunteers who make up the Toymods Board, donating what time they can spare. The Toymods Board consists of a small group of dedicated individuals who get elected each year and "do the do" behind the scenes to keep things running.